Save the date: Preventive Health Conference op 7 december 2023

On Thursday December 7th 2023 is the Preventive Health Conference: “Advancing Preventive Health Through Transdisciplinary Innovations”. The conference places its focus on problem awareness and creating smart actionable solutions though transdisciplinary research collaborations. It aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and other partners across disciplines to explore cutting-edge topics in preventive health. By addressing socioeconomic disparities, leveraging human-machine collaborations, embracing cultural diversity, and integrating artistic and technological innovations, the conference will foster transdisciplinary discussions and identify strategies to promote effective preventive health practices.

The conference is organized by the alliance of TU/e, WUR, UU, UMC Utrecht (EWUU) and will take place on Thursday December 7th 2023 from 09.00-17.00 hrs. Click here to save the conference to your calender. The location – centrally located in the Netherlands – will be announced soon.

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