Human Capital Agenda

As part of the top sectors’ Human Capital Agenda (HCA), academia, industry and the government are shaping the future of Dutch vocational education in order to better train students and consolidate the implementation of knowledge in practice.

Human Capital Agenda

We are facing major challenges at both national and global level. The Dutch green sector is of crucial importance in finding solutions for these. Innovation is needed for the further greening of the economy and society, for the sustainable production of a sufficient amount of safe and healthy food, for CO2 reduction and climate adaptation, for nature conservation and the preservation of biodiversity, and for a safe and healthy living environment.

The Top Sector for Horticulture & Starting Materials is a knowledge-intensive and innovative sector of considerable social and global economic significance. The continuity of the sector is strongly linked to its ability to employ a large enough workforce at all levels. Green education plays a crucial role in this. More people are needed with recognisably green professional qualifications and who have been trained at centres of innovation. This is reflected in GroenPact, an initiative in which industry, academia and the government have joined forces to create a strong, future-oriented and recognisably green education system.